Now to look at drawings from the imagination, as opposed to drawings from direct observation.
This is trying to visualise and bring to life the ideas and range of interpretations that lurk like misty visions inside the head.
Here you may produce rough scribbles and grope for fresh insights during the process of forming something visually.
This is so different from doing observational drawings.
You rely on your memory and imagination, in the main, whilst thinking up ideas.
You attempt to turn some notion inside your head into something real on paper – another form of metamorphosis.
Drawing out of your head has its advantages as well as disadvantages.
You are not suffocated with too much visual information in front of you and this can cause you to be inventive with shapes and textures that might not occur to you if you were looking at something.
It challenges the imagination too.
So, in a way, you are interpreting what is in your mind, and further interpretation occurs as you see the drawing emerging and developing.