Richard Denyer was a mature student in the department of Vocational Design at Norwich , coming to us after a stint as a trainee chef. He was a photographer from the outset, worked hard, intelligently with considerable ambition. He taugh , lectured and became an active entrepreneur for the medium using Norwich as his base. Before we left Norfolk in 1989 he gave the family an album of his observations over the years, firstly of Oriole and Chris, Edie and Jack at Hardingham, and then with Sam at Harvey Lane. He died tragically early and was commemorated with an elegant obituary in the Guardian that did his talent some justice. He was survived by Caroline, and his children Madeleine and Oscar.
Additional notes, during a storm in the Hardingham area I looked out of the window to see the Greenhouse lifted by the wind and dropped fifteen feet away. The last photograph shows me sifting shallots in the garden, and involved no performance enhancing drugs. The image of infanticide was in fact my trying to get our wonderful Edie to bring up her wind. The book on the table, beside the bottle of Newcastle Brown is King Kong's Return, balanced by loose copies of the Economist.
The Gallery photograph (row 5) records the Private view of Ian Starsmore's Fairground exhibition (he had married a Bugg, the Norfolk Fairground family) organised by the consummate professional curator, David Jolley. From left to right, Gillian Doel Slide Librarian is talking to Vera (then) Timar. Anne Maw is next in the bakground and was a colleague of Oriole's at Notre Dame with her husband David Maw Librarian at the ND in characterstic fun mode beaming with shades. I lurk on the far right a complete unkempt mess. Vera married David Jolley who died tragically a young man, vainly trying to persuade his doctor that he really was ill.
David Jolley and I worked on a show of Colman's Advertising called "Yellow White and Blue..." with poster by Steve Nelson, then a student in Vocational Design. Dr.Vera (now Sheridan) works in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies at the Dublin City University.