The site
you find here is to let you see more of the visual material as published
of pictorial statistics as devised by Otto Neurath, the pioneer of
visual language in the cause of communication, and continued after
his death in 1945 by his wife Marie.
is a large collection of the Neurath's work housed in the Department
of Typography and Graphic Communication at the University of Reading.
I recommend
Nancy Cartwright, Jordi Cat, Lola Fleck, Thomas E. Uebel,
Otto Neurath Philosophy between Science and Politics Cambridge
University Press, 1996.
Hartmann and Erwin Bauer, Bildwersprache, Otto Neurath
Wiener Universitatsverlag, Vienna 2002
See also
R.D.Kinross, Otto Neurath's contribution to visual communication
1925 - 1945, MPhil dissertation, University of Reading, 1979
There are two excellent publications by the University of Reading
but I recommend
really informative article in the rare publication
FUTURE with an introduction by Paul Rotha written
by Otto Neurath which gave a fascinating account of his development
of the visual sense as a means of direct communication.
I have collected as many of the publications of the ISOTYPE Institute
as possible including regular work for the FUTURE publication and
also books for children on aspects of the World and its ways. I also attach
one of Bob Godfrey’s inspired filmic reactions to the visual
conventions of the ISOTYPE formula. I hope this will remind him of
days at Madingley with Beryl.