Images of Stonehenge

A. Titlepage to Walter Charlton, Chorea Gigantum..., London 1663 and suggesting the danes as the instigators of the monument in reply to Jones' publication, advancing the cause of the Romans. Inigo Jones' The Most Notable Antiquity of Great Britain vulgarly called Stonehenge ,1655.

B. three plates from Inigo Jones. The monument as reconstructed, a ground plan and as it was in Jones' day.

C. J.M.W.Turner, from Picturesque Views in England and Wales, 1829 ; from Walter Clapperton, Stonehenge Handbook c1845 ; Hayward Sumner, from his illustrated guidebook, Stonehenge Today and Yesterday , Her Majesty's Stationery Office London, revised edition 1924 ; John Constable, 1845

D William Westall, from Great Britain Illustrated 1830 ; George Walpoole, Modern British Traveller, c1795 ; from Camden's Britannia, 1695 edition, an unknown Dutch engraver  An aquatint from a French travel book, L.Simond's Tour and Residence in Great Britain during the years 1810 and 1811 .. . Marvellously atmospheric, and in the light of the liberties taken with scale, significant that the monuments appear to be being measured.

E. postcard UK c1910 ; Hayward Sumner, from his illustrated guidebook, Stonehenge Today and Yesterday , Her Majesty's Stationery Office London, revised edition 1924 ; Stonehenge completed in bricks, USA 1957; French re-engraving of David Loggan's print 1693.
F. George Bickham , The British Monarchy or a New Chorographical Description of all the Dominions Subject to the King of Great Britain.... the Counties of England and Wales , London 1743.

IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, Turner, Constable etc

Cox's Magna Britannia c.1730 (Wiltshire selected pages)

stills from the 1954 film, THE BLACK KNIGHT.



Heywood Sumner more

Allan Sorrell, Stonehenge Images

anonymous photographer c1870, CM collection 15 X 21 cms

E.McKnight Kauffer, poster 1932

Henry Rowlands, Anglesey Antiquities, Dublin 1723, the Chief Druid

Historical reconstruction, TREASURE 1963

H.Browne, The Geology of Scripture, Frome, 1832

wood engraving, Stonehenge as it is Today, c1860, Robinson's of Bristol

Influence Lines from Dowsing and Archaeology 1980

Alignment of Circles, from Dowsing and Archaeology 1980

Aerial photograph 1926 CM collection.

postcard CM collection c1910

COX'S MAGNA BRITTANIA 1731 ( detail of woodcut)

Fischer von Erlach, Stonehenge in England 1721

William Long, Stonehenge and its Barrows 1876 one of 17 plates

Smythe's Megalith a pamphlet

William Turner of Oxford, Salisbury Plain, Showery

William Stukely A Temple Restor'd 1740 2 PAGES

J.R.Herbert. The first introduction of Christianity into Britain 1841