01 Katsushka
Hokusai, Interior of a Theatre ,1788 the performance
of a Kabuki play at Edo, 26 x 38cms, wood engraving. Hokusai was much
influenced by the conventions of vanishing point persepective.
02 Utagawa
Kuninga, The tomb of the Maurya kings in Asia , from
the series New Dutch perspective prints, 1825, 26 x 38
03 Jacques
de Cerceu, Lecons de Perspective Positifs, Paris, 1576
04 from
05 from
Robert Fludde's Utriusque Cosmi Maioris scilicet et Minoris Metaphysica..
., Oppenheim 1617; a drawing frame for artists allowing transcriptions
from nature.
06 classic
diagram from WORLD OF WONDER a children's encyclopaedia
of the 1930's.
09 Albrecht
Durer, Underweysung der messung, mit dem zirckel und richtscheyt.
... Nuremburg, Formschneyder for the author, 1525." A Course in
the art of measurement"
10 A drawing
by Michael Folkes and reproduced in FOUGASSE's book of professional reflections,
The Good Tempered Pencil , Max Reinhardt London 1956. "I
expect the perspective will be hopeless as usual."
12 Andrea
Pozzo Rules and Examples of Perspective for Painters and Architects...,
London c1707. 
15 Judging
the distances on a Depth Machine for Road safety, American photograph
December 1949.
16 Andrea
Pozzo Rules and Examples of Perspective for Painters and Architects...,
London c1707.
19 Andrea
Pozzo Rules and Examples of Perspective for Painters and Architects...,
London c1707.
20, 21, 22
Gwen White (born 1903 ) from A Book of Pictorial Perspective
published by Murray, London, 1955Gwen White worked extensively and taught
widely during her career. She worked on BBC publications for children
but she is best known for the two books on pattern and perspective, extensions
of her teaching at Farnham and St.Albans. Her major achievement, A Book
of Dolls (1956) is an excellent attempt to convey detailed information
in art work rather than by saturation photographic coverage.
Two plates from A Book of Pictorial Perspective published
by Murray, London, 1955, page size 20 x 26cms. This was an ingenious
concept, A Lift Up Book, "Each black and white page... when lifted towards
the light shows a coloured picture through the paper." See also
Gwen White's A World of Pattern, 1957, and both printed by Cowell's of
Ipswich by lithography. Here are two pages that relate on holding them
to the light to reveal the other. The other image is the design for the
an illustration form Pacioli, Divina Proportione, 1509 |