The interior of a convent church. Fishwives with birch-rods are scourging nuns, some of whom are supported on the backs of other fish-wives in the manner of schoolboys. Their bare posteriors, slim legs with clocked stockings, and elegant slippers, give the nuns a meretricious appearance. The fish-wives are fierce, ragged creatures ; some wear crosses suspended from their necks. Behind (right) are the high iron gates which shut off the part of the church reserved to the nuns from the rest of the building. On the wall (left) is a picture of the scourging of Christ. Beneath the title is etched: 'N:B: This Print is dedicated to the Fair-Sex of Great-Britain, & intented to point out the very dangerous effects which may arise to Themselves, if they do not exert that influence to hinder the "Majesty of the People" from getting possession of the Executive Power.' 21 June 1792 Hand-coloured etching