Charles Martin, portrait of George Barbier, in Barbier's Vingt-cinq costumes pour le théâtre, frontispiece introduction by Edmond Jaloux (Paris: Camille Bloch, 1927)
There is so much visual material on Barbier on the WWW it seems foolish to go to these lengths but too many estimations of him dwell on the Art Deco lushness and not on the tautness and ingenuity of line,on the narrative interpretations of real originality and a colour sense that looks better every time I contemplate it. I have scanned the plates from the large scale book of reproductions Art Deco Costumes by GB in the Poster Art series, ed.S Calloway, and have done so to allow the images to fill the screen and beyond.He was related to Boutet de Monvel. They share several formal and stylistic skills.  |